Irregular Verbs (Grade 2)

Students at Cooper Lane ES were working on irregular verbs today.  They began by reviewing the term irregular verb.  Then the teacher passed out envelopes to the students.  Each child took a turn taking a card from his envelope.  The student would hold up the card and then say the present tense of the verb depicted in the picture.  Then the student would call on a peer to say the past tense of the verb.  Children got 2-3 turns to show a card from their envelope.

Next the teacher projected sentences from her mini projector.  The students read the sentences chorally.  Then they determined which of the two sentences was the past tense of the irregular verb and held up the appropriate number of fingers to indicate their answer.  (1.  I saw a deer.  2.  I see a deer.)

After that the teacher divided the students into two groups.  Each group had a white board.  The teacher projected a worksheet.  Each group was tasked with completing a column.  The students worked as a group to write the past tense verbs on their dry white board.  The class reviewed both groups’ answers.

Finally the teacher passed out student notebooks and the students wrote their own sentences with irregular verbs.Cooper Lane Irregular  Verbs

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