I Yam a Donkey! by Cece Bell

If you are looking for a text to anchor a lesson on is and are, this is the text for you!  A former ESOL teacher and current librarian recommended this book to me after seeing it at a reading conference.  The book tackles grammar in a funny way that would appeal to 8 year olds.  I am sharing a couple ideas I had regarding this text.

  1.  Always preview a text and determine the vocabulary that you need to front load.  For this book I created a handheld anchor chart that could go in a binder to travel from class to class.  Students could also receive a copy to glue into their ESOL notebooks.  If you have a classroom and do pull out, you can create an anchor chart.  It’s important that vocabulary words are introduced with pictures and student friendly definitions.
  2. If you are focusing on is and are, you can create a sort that is a rift on the pages in the book.  After completely the sort, you can have students write sentences using he is, she is, and we are.  Another option would be to create a worksheet that requires students to fill in is or are.
  3. This book has potential to be a fun reader’s theater script.  The script is appropriate for mid 2nd – 5th graders reading on or above grade level.  Students should listen to the story read aloud many times and have a clear understanding of the jokes in the story before they attempt it as a reader’s theater.  When creating scripts be sure to include all parts in one script.  Then highlight each script by part. Consider creating fun “costumes”, so the audience understands which child is playing which character.  Reader’s Theater activities are a great way to build fluency and work on reading with inflection.

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